St. Ignatius Parish is a Jesuit parish grounded in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Together we travel a faith journey of devotion, prayer, inquiry and holiness. We seek to find God in all things by deepening our faith and listening with discerning and joyful hearts. We walk with the excluded and care for the Earth, our common home, by actively serving the poor and living social and environmental justice.
We strive to create a welcoming spiritual home that invites and seeks to understand and recognize diversity of all kinds, including ideas, geographies, socio-economic, races, sexual orientation, etc. Our community is driven by active and innovative participation in celebrating the liturgy in response to the lived reality of our community. We are intentional in our living of the gospel, commitment to service and support of social justice. We prayerfully meet and support all parish members where they are on their Ignatian journey of discernment of God’s will in the context of our lives today.
Discerning: We will practice discernment as individuals and as a community of believers in order to read “the signs of the times” and meet the needs of those whom we serve. We will be open to changes in our worship and ministries, and adapt and innovate based on the outcomes of this ongoing discernment.
Participatory: We will strive to foster active participation in every area of our life as disciples. Resisting cultural tides of consumerism and passivity, St. Ignatius Parish will be a place for authentic action and engagement around our faith.
Accepting: We will be a growing community of believers who create space for all to be seen, to be accepted and to belong. We will examine our own cultural values, while welcoming a diversity of ideas, geographic and socio-economic locations, race, gender and sexual orientations.
Supportive: Grounded in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, we will encourage and support one another in a faith journey marked by devotion, prayer, theological inquiry, and holiness.
Justice Oriented: In response to God’s love and Jesus’ invitation to discipleship, social justice and systemic change are part of our mission. Informed by Cartholic Social Teaching, St. Ignatius will provide opportunities to participate actively in the promotion of awareness and implementation of social and environmental justice.
Eucharistic: Our work will begin and end at the Eucharistic Table. This liturgy will be joyful, beautiful, and a primary place of meeting with God and one another.