A happy and blessed Easter to each of you and your families. On behalf of our entire faith community, I extend a warm welcome to those of you who are joining us this Easter. We are happy you are with us to celebrate this glorious weekend in the life of the Church.
The 7th grade girls basketball team had a great start to their season with a 31-5 win over St. Peter's Pacifica on March 8. Our team is a feisty bunch with good talent to make a deep run this season. Please consider coming out to cheer us! We are playing our first season in collaboration with Father Sauer Academy. Both the 6th grade girls and 7th the grade girls teams are playing at Cowell Pavilion at St. Ignatius High School, Sunday, March 24. The 6th graders play Donum Dei at 1 pm and the 7th graders play Good Shepherd at 2 pm. Thank you all for your support for this brand-new program.
It begins with the call of the community to raise up our palm branches and march into Jerusalem; and it ends on the eve of a new week, on the eve of a new Creation, as we gather around the fire and prepare ourselves for the overcoming of the grave.
The new Senior High Youth Group for high school and 8th grade Confirmartion year-two students had its first outing on March 2. They saw Dune 2 on Saturday afternoon at the AMC Kabuki and had a lovely time. They met at the Church office, carpooled to the AMC Kabuki, enjoyed the movie, and grabbed a bite in Japantown afterwards before returning to the church. The St. Ignatius Parish youth minister, Tom Fregoso, who organized this trip, is now putting together more fun Youth Group outings through the beginning of August. A Junior High Youth Group for 5th through 7th graders is also in the works. The outings will generally be on the 1st Saturdays of each month and in the afternoon or evening. Some more significant events, such as the theater and Giant's game, will have RSVP dates. Here is his message to youth: Hello! Please take a look at this list. If you have an idea about something fun, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you are excited about something on this list or don't like an idea. Here are my ideas. 4/6 Bowling at Presidio Bowl (We have space!) 5/4 Subpar Miniature Golf at Ghirardelli Square 6/1 Giants vs. Yankees at Oracle Park 6/15 Escape Room 7/6 Mrs. Doubtfire, The Musical at Orpheum Theatre 7/27 Deadpool vs Wolverine 8/3 Kayaking outing Thanks for reading and I look forward to the fun! Please reply with any questions, and your ideas! Tom Fregoso, youth minister / [email protected]
I came to my faith by an unusual path. My grandmother was the seamstress for the Archdiocese of Detroit. I followed her endlessly on magical excursions to specialty shops that had drawers and drawers of golden threads from Italy, ornate handmade laces, brocades, damasks, jacquards. She designed vestments: chasubles, cassocks, stoles, albs, altar cloths, all of stunning beauty and exquisite intricacies. My Infant of Prague statue was the best adorned in my family and the envy of all my aunts.