During a recent conversation with my son, I admitted out loud that I have a hard time getting into the Christmas Spirit this year. He seemed a little surprised by my admission. As a family, we’ve celebrated Christmas, and were very faithful to the Catholic customs in doing so. Our family always had an advent wreath. We went Christmas caroling. Our holiday decorations always included a creche. We sang at Christmas Masses. So my admission about struggling with the Christmas spirit caught my son off guard. So, he asked me, “Do you have a story that really represents Christmas for you?”
This Christmas, our parish family will once again be supporting Epiphany Center, a local non-profit which provides holistic, client-centered care to a diverse population of families who are the most vulnerable in our society. Bring your wrapped "Gifts from the Magi" to the 4:00 pm Family Mass on Christmas Eve!
St. Peter Canisius, SJ, Priest and Doctor of the Church, (May 8, 1521 – December 21, 1597) is celebrated December 21. Learn about an important aspect of this Jesuit's faith and historic legacy, his veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary and contribution to the Hail Mary, in the latest Faith in Focus article!
Welcome Rosie Costa! Rosie comes to us most recently from Sacred Heart Cathedral High School where she taught World History and AP Art History. We are excited that she is already coordinating children's Catholic education and sacramental preparation here at St. Ignatius Parish alongside staff and ministries. Learn about Rosie in this short interview—and when you see her be sure to ask about Children’s Faith Formation, becoming a catechist and family catechesis too!
Kwanzaa is a 7-day celebration of African and African American culture, history, and values, celebrated from December 26 to January 1. Kwanzaa was created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga for the unification of the African diaspora. Karenga was a key figure in the Black Power movement. Kwanzaa is a cultural observance, not a religious holiday, and complements the religious practices of those who celebrate. Kwanzaa offers everyone the opportunity to learn about and appreciate the rich cultural tapestry of our human family. The St. Ignatius Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) would like everyone in our community to have a chance to learn about Kwanzaa.
4:00 pm: Christmas Eve Family Mass and Pageant; 6:30 pm: Christmas Eve Mass; Mass During the Night
10:00 pm: Mass During the Night (Carols begin at 9:30 pm); 8:00 am: Christmas Morning Mass; 10:00 am: Christmas Day Mass; 12:00 pm (noon): Christmas Day Mass