This weekend we join Jesuit communities around the world in reconsecrating our lives, our work, and our Parish to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. During Mass, the presider will offer a prayer written by Servant of God Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. in 1972, and we will respond with the Suscipe, the response to God's love with which St. Ignatius ends the Spiritual Exercises. During this prayer, we offer all that God has given us back to God in love and gratitude.
At St. Ignatius Parish, where our history and our mission call us to stand in solidarity with the wounded of our city, our nation, and our Church, the reimagined devotion to the Sacred Heart is something we need. In this article, Fr. John Whitney shares how post-Vatican II emphasis on the incarnation of Christ brought about the reconsecration of the Jesuit order to the Sacred Heart.
David Gibson, longtime Catholic journalist and currently director of the Center on Religion and Culture at Fordham University, discusses the decision by the USCCB to shutter Catholic News Service.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Fr. Arrupe’s re-consecration of the Society of Jesus to the Sacred Heart. In this article, Fr. John Whitney, S.J. outlines the history of this devotion from its beginnings in the 17th century to the present.