As God answers our prayers, and as our diligence in social distancing and wearing masks takes effect, the County of San Francisco is carefully relaxing its gathering restrictions. As you know, we have begun to have outdoor Mass on Saturday afternoon, and we are anticipating being able to add an indoor Mass very soon.
Reflection Questions for the Homily: 1) Ask the Spirit of Jesus to bring to your mind when you experienced a person or incident that revealed God's great generosity to you.
One Saturday morning, a few years back, Dominic, our youngest, asked to borrow my cell phone so that he could play a game on it. A short while later, I asked Dominic for my phone back because I needed to place a call.
This week, the San Francisco Chronicle’s, Sporting Green newsletter, ran a story about the coach of the Golden State Warriors. It began, “Steve Kerr is arguably African Americans’ biggest ally among white NBA head coaches, but that hasn’t stopped him from reaching an unsettling realization