The 7th grade girls basketball team had a great start to their season with a 31-5 win over St. Peter's Pacifica on March 8. Our team is a feisty bunch with good talent to make a deep run this season. Please consider coming out to cheer us! We are playing our first season in collaboration with Father Sauer Academy. The 6th grade girls team is playing at Cowell Pavilion at St. Ignatius High School, Sunday, March 24. They play Donum Dei at 1 pm. Thank you all for your support for this brand-new program. See the schedule and come support our teams!
Sixth grade schedule:
Seventh grade schedule:
Youth Ministry Update: St. Ignatius Parish is revitalizing its Youth Ministry group to foster relationship-building and connection with other youth in the parish. We are very excited about this new program. Our new Youth Ministry Program serves youth: pizza club (post first communion to 5th grade); Junior High (6th - 8th grade); and Senior High (9-12th grades) and their need for connection in the context of faith, service, and community.
The Faith Connection program emphasizes the love and compassion of the Lord. It incorporates teaching based on the Sunday readings, including: Teaching Masses that deepen students' understanding of liturgy and worship, a monthly Family Mass that fosters inclusivity and intergenerational connection, helping with Sat./Sun. Mass, and Spiritual Retreats that offer opportunities for deeper reflection and inner growth.
The Service and Connection program offers service and connection with diverse communities. Through this program our youth will better understand the world around them and their role in creating a more just world. Monthly service projects, seasonal collections for the less fortunate, and, for older teens, domestic and foreign immersion programs are essential parts of this program.
The Fun Youth Outings / Personal Connection program offers a safe, supportive space for teenagers to flourish. The program build connection through regular, fun Youth Group gatherings, engaging families and adult volunteers, inviting guest speakers, and offering monthly check-ins, summer activities, and athletics.
Youth Parish Basketball program: Consider joining our Girls (3rd-8th), Spring 2024 (rolling acceptance through May for a practice season for 3-5th grades), or the Boys (3rd-8th), Fall 2024.
Tom Fregoso, Youth and Family Outreach
Signup for Youth Ministry Programs
Photo: Two players pictured are from St. Ignatius Parish, a third player from our Parish missed the photo, but played in the match. Four of the players pictured are from Fr. Sauer Academy, our partner, a diverse feeder school for St. Ignatius High School on its campus. The 1st coach is a coach at St. Ignatius High School and the 2nd coach, on the right, is from St. Ignatius Parish and St. Ignatius High School.