Responding to Francis’ call, the Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development began the Laudato Si' Action Platform, a support structure to help diverse communities develop Action Plans with specific and comprehensive goals, so that each person and community might play their role in the healing of our Common Home. At St. Ignatius Parish in San Francisco, the Laudato Si’ Circle has become a means for responding to this urgent mission, by offering, among other things, this Action Plan.
- The Care of the Earth at St. Ignatius Parish
Read the Action Plan here (pdf)
Laudato Si' Circle is a ministry where small groups of people meet regularly to deepen their relationship with God as creator and all members of creation. We are participating in the Global Catholic Climate Movement through prayer, reflection, and actions, using Pope Francis' Encyclical on the Environment, Laudato Si', as our guiding document. We meet to discuss ways to incorporate this important Catholic social teaching into our everyday lives, and to understand that the Pope is asking us to take concrete action.
We feel deeply connected to all things in God's creation and we hear the cry of the earth and the poor, because the poor are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and pollution. We also feel and recognize our interconnectedness to all the creatures and plants in the world and see the difficulty living things have in enduring and surviving due to human exploitation of the world's most precious and finite resources and ecosystems. We recognize ecosystem collapses are happening all around the world, and we strive to protect our world from further disaster, pain, and suffering. Despair is not where we want to reside, so through this ministry, we yearn to unite in love and action with others to protect our Earth, this creation God has given us.
Our work is accomplished by meeting together to:
PRAY - Prayer for courage, wisdom, strength to protect and live sustainably in creation
REFLECT - Reflection on participants' ongoing process of ecological conversion, particularly as it relates to issues of simplicity and consumption
ACT - Group Action, such as local community engagement and activism through greening of church facilities, participation in Season of Creation celebrations, tree planting, beach clean ups, support of public policy that reflects our values to protect and sustain life on earth, and more.
Want to get involved? Join us on most Sundays at 12:15pm. Check the eNewsletter and homepage, as well as below, for upcoming dates.