“The Archdiocesan Annual Appeal reminds us that we are part of the Body of Christ, that we belong to others whom we do not see, and they belong to us. St. Paul reminds us of that in his first letter to the Corinthians: ‘By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body’ (1 Cor.12:13). Through the AAA, we are able to express our solidarity with those sisters and brothers whose needs are often greater than our own.”
“For the needy will never be forgotten, nor will the hope of the afflicted ever fade”.
-Psalm 9:19.
The AAA is an annual fundraising initiative in which the Archdiocese appeals to each parish to support the Church’s mission and the work of the Archdiocese on behalf of all those within its borders. The AAA reminds us that our parish does not operate in isolation, but is part of something greater, something that unites all Catholics in San Francisco in our call to do God’s work on Earth. You can see more from the Archdiocese in their brochure here.
St. Ignatius Parish will be raising funds throughout the year.
Each parish’s goal is determined using the same four factors. Our parish’s assessment for this year is $174,502. This amount is determined by calculating a portion (20%) of the following revenue sources:
If the parish is not able to raise sufficient funds to cover our assessed portion of the AAA from our parishioners, the funds will have to come out of the parish’s operating budget. Timely payment is required as part of our, and all parishes’ communion with the Church.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ contribution amount. Every parish household has different financial resources and capacities to give. We hope that contributions will be based on the idea of ‘Equal Sacrifices’, not ‘Equal Gifts’. The participation of all those who call St. Ignatius Parish home is what we strive for. Please prayerfully consider what amounts to as acrificial gift for your household. Gifts of any amount are greatly appreciated and will be properly acknowledged by the Archdiocese.
The funds raised during the AAA will help support the nearly half a million Catholics within the Archdiocese of San Francisco. They enable the Archdiocese to provide resources to our local community and to the greater Church. Please see the below chart which illustrates how the Archdiocese will allocate funds raised from the AAA.